Those who can or care to remember last year will recall RPattz's first post-Twilight film, Water for Elephants. He played a veterinary student who runs away from it all and joins the circus where he meets and falls in love with a slightly older woman, played by Reese Witherspoon. The plot was given a soap opera-like twist by the fact that La Witherspoon was already taken by the drama's bad guy. Whatever. During filming, Rob and Reese became good friends. And apparently they still are, because she's still warbling his praises. While promoting her latest film, This Means War, La Witherspoon extolled her former co-star's many virtues including his talent for multitasking. That ability served him well during the months they worked together.
"What surprised me was his dedication," Reese gushed. "He would film all weekend long, then spend the week on the Twilight [set], then another weekend filming, then more Twilight... And he still had that lightness, humility. He's very grateful for everything he's been living. He's great. And oh my God, so handsome!"
Reese Witherspoon almost sounds like one of Rob's twihards. Oops. Does that mean Kristen Stewart has a reason to be jealous? Or at the very least suspicious? Probably not. Reese Witherspoon is well-known for being a straight arrow. She's hardly likely to change now or compromise her sense of morality--even for a fling with Robert Pattinson. Plus, if she and Rob were going to have a fling, they'd have done it last year when they were thrown together daily on the Water For Elephants set. "Cheating" is, after all, usually a "crime" of opportunity.
Still, there was that famous photo of RPattz checking out La Witherspoon's cleavage during one of the Water For Elephants promo tours. To reiterate: "Oops."
KStew, watch your back. Just saying.
thanks to Hope Carson 2011
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