Do Robert Pattinson's Parents Hate Kristen Stewart?
The riveting questions above were raised by a nonsten who doubts that RPattz's parents even like Kstew. And as you can see on the video clip below, there's an answer to all of them. The fact that there are no photos of the couple with Pattinson's parents simply means that he just doesn't want to "parade his parents out with Kristen in front of the paps." But if he ever gets a hankering to do so, he probably will. As for Robsten, is it really so surprising that a couple who are notoriously reluctant to engage in off-screen PDA choose not to share their private family moments with the public? Duh. Unlike their teenage counterparts Justin Bieber and Selena Gomez, Rob and Kristen are a "low-key" couple. They don't wear their hearts, PDA, or parents on their sleeves for all the world to ogle. And speaking of JB and Selena, RPattz and KStew are adults. They don't live with their parents, and their umbilical cords were cut long ago. They probably don't see their folks that often, and when they do, they want to enjoy their visits in private. As far as how Robert Pattinson's parents feel about Kristen Stewart, that's anybody's guess. Or as Ted Casablanca snidely remarked: "What parents would like Kristen Stewart?"
Ouch.... Poor Kristen Stewart. Apparently it's true that she's a pariah in Hollywood. No wonder Mme Tussaud's chose to sculpt her likeness in hard, cold ice...
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